Kingfisher Bridge

Kingfisher Bridge Replacement – Benthic Survey and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment


Ms. Colbert was the project manager for the Benthic Resources Survey and Essential Fish Habitat Analysis for the replacement of the Kingfisher Bridge, which crosses a residential canal along 23rd Avenue, between N.E. 32nd Street and N.E. 32nd Court, in the City of Lighthouse Point, Broward County, Florida. The purpose of the survey was to determine the extent and density of benthic resources in the project area to provide NEPA/PD&E documentation and aid in design and permitting for the replacement of the bridge. The project area consists of a tidally influenced residential canal with seawalls on both the north and south banks and no coastal wetland vegetation. Seagrass beds were located throughout 50% of the canal bottom within the project study limits at a density between 15-30 percent cover, with the exception of an approximately 10-15 foot wide swath near the center of the canal, the area underneath the bridge, and in rubble at the base of the seawalls. Oysters and coral were observed on the hard substrates in the project area. Impacts to seagrass and other benthic resources will be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable and any necessary mitigation for impacts were handled through innovate water quality treatment beyond the regulatory requirements.

Kingfisher Bridge - Benthic Survey and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment

From the personal portfolio of Gisele Colbert


330 SW 27th Avenue | Suite 504 | Miami, FL 33135 | P:786.313.3977 | F: 305.356.4333