Shell Alvarez Plaza Contamination Assessment/Initial Remediation

Contamination Assessment/Initial Remediation

County:  Miami-Dade

Project Description

Based on a diesel fuel discharge discovered during a Miami-Dade County inspection, a Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action were issued to Shell-Alvarez Plaza. An Initial Remedial Action was put in place. Remediation was performed in 2011 and encompassed removal of free-floating product from compliance monitoring wells using oil skimmer pumps and the removal and replacement of one of the underground storage tank diesel fill port buckets. Once free-floating product was removed, a comprehensive subsurface assessment (soil and groundwater sampling and analyses) was performed including delineation of dissolved plume and other Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) assessment requirements. Based on results, the SAR recommended a Natural Attenuation Monitoring (NAM) Plan which was approved following additional assessment requirements. The monitoring plan was performed for a year and it was determined that remedial actions had been successful as the concentrations at the site did not exceed NAM pre-arranged contaminant levels. A No Further Action proposal was approved in 2014.


330 SW 27th Avenue | Suite 504 | Miami, FL 33135 | P:786.313.3977 | F: 305.356.4333