Pompano Commerce Center Burrowing Owl Survey

Mandated Burrowing Owl Survey

County: Broward

Project Description

Smart-Sciences conducted a burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia floridana) survey for a 23 acre vacant parcel in Pompano Beach. Three burrowing owls utilizing seven burrows were observed during the survey. The client is proposing to develop the property with warehouse facilities.
Burrowing Owl Survey

The nest locations were GPS recorded and a permit for nest relocation to accommodate the proposed construction project was obtained from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). The permit is expiring in December 2014 and the client is not ready to proceed with construction.

Smart-Sciences conducted an updated burrowing owl survey to extend the FWC permit for one year. The owls were observed and monitored, and the locations of burrows and extent of utilized habitat were mapped in ArcGIS. Based on behavior patterns observed, it appears unlikely that the observed pair of owls was nesting in the burrows at the time of the survey.

When the client is ready to remove the inactive burrows, we will evaluate each of the burrows under consideration, look for obvious signs of nesting activity (such as burrow decoration) and if necessary scope the burrows to evaluate evidence of occupation, eggs or young. Once it is confirmed that the burrows are inactive each burrow will be carefully hand excavated.


330 SW 27th Avenue | Suite 504 | Miami, FL 33135 | P:786.313.3977 | F: 305.356.4333