Key Personnel

15500 New Barn Rd Suite 105, Miami Lakes, Fl 33014 | P:786.313.3977 | F: 305.356.4333

Ms Giselle ColbertGisele Colbert, M.S., LEP

Senior Scientist Ms. Colbert has more than 20 years of experience in managing and supervising technical projects and in leading inter-disciplinary teams consisting of engineers, geologists, ecologists and other technical experts. Ms. Colbert has extensive experience in all types of environmental permitting in the State of Florida (including Environmental Resource Permits (ERPs), Local Wetlands Permitting, Coastal Construction Permitting, Tree Permitting, Water Use Permit (WUP), industrial wastewater), as well as practical applications of wetland ecology and surface and groundwater hydrology in the South and Central Florida ecosystems. Her experience includes agency coordination, environmental permitting, wetland jurisdictional determinations and mitigation assessments, mitigation design and implementation, wetland monitoring and maintenance, benthic resource surveys, natural resource management, threatened and endangered species studies, habitat evaluation, conservation plans,
Gisele Biowater quality analysis, NEPA/PD&E environmental assessments, tree surveys, contamination assessments and remediation that consider both ecological and human health risks, GIS and training/teaching. Ms. Colbert is also a Licensed Environmental Professional and has performed numerous Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments throughout the United States. Ms. Colbert has used this broad background and her project management skills to provide quality driven, technically sound solutions that meet the client’s needs in an efficient and cost effective manner. She frequently presents on permitting, wetlands, endangered species and water use issues at the Florida Chamber Environmental Permitting School and Growth Management short courses as well as to professional organizations in the South Florida area.